Edge editing When you create an edge, it is always black by default. In order to turn the edge into a gray edge, you must specify a transformation for this edge. This is done in the “Edit edge” dialog box. To get to this dialog box, you must open the edge. This is done by selecting the two nodes (or events) connected by the edge, and using the “Open edge(s)…” command in the “Model” menu. The “Edit edge” dialog box consists of a single view. The “Input” and “Output” fields represent the names of the input and output nodes of the edge. These cannot be edited in the “Edit edge” dialog box. By using the “Function” popup menu, you can select a function transforming the input value before it is passed on. For black edges, the “Function” popup menu shows the word “None” indicating that there is no selected function for this edge. The following edge functions are available: • Abs • Delay • Delay2 • Exp • Inverse • Log • Max • Min • Minus • NPV • Osc1 • Osc2 • Osc3 • Poly1 • Poly2 • Poly3 • Random • Round • Sqr • Sqrt • Thresh1 • Thresh2 • Thresh3 • Trim1 • Trim2 • Trunc • XUtil Most of the functions, can be customized by adjusting several parameters. The parameters are labelled “a”, “b”, “c”, “d” and “e”. (Some functions use only a subset of these parameters.) The use of the parameters, varies from function to function. Moreover, each function has its own set of default parameter values. To use the default parameters, select the function you want, and press the “Set” button.